Some event data on Eric Tomomi Shigeno requires special approval before you can see it. Click the button below now to authorize access to these approximately 33 Premium Events and Data.
Our records show that the following premium data is associated with this report:
- Owned Properties
- Social Security Information
- Associates
- Possible Associates
- Past Properties
Birth Information
Known Aliases
Eric Tomomi Shigeno's Relatives
We will add this data as soon as it becomes available.
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(949) 240-6339
(949) 487-5188
(760) 459-3189
(760) 416-0220
(888) 369-5034
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How did we search for Eric Tomomi Shigeno's data?
We scanned for Eric's name among hundreds of millions of records from local, state, and federal databases in all 50 states.

Why didn't anything show up?
- 1Some counties and states don't disclose certain information about arrest or criminal records.
- 2Eric Tomomi Shigeno might not have a criminal or arrest record!
- 3Eric Tomomi Shigeno's record is still being processed in their county.
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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover professional licenses for Eric Tomomi Shigeno.
There are 618,660 FAA certified pilots in the U.S.
That's less than 0.2% of the population.
So, if FAA license information doesn't show up here, Eric Tomomi Shigeno may not have one.

'0' Results Found
But remember, we refresh our databases every 24 hours. If we uncover new licenses for Eric Tomomi Shigeno, we can add that data ASAP!
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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.
NOTICE: Our data sources have uncovered assets in California worth over $850,000 that may belong to Eric.
Click "View More Information" to see what specific assets Eric is holding!
Asset information can only be revealed after you give authorization. Click the button below to access all available information on Eric Tomomi Shigeno's assets.
Viewing these reports could help you learn even more about Eric’s background.
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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.