James Driskill replied to your comment on this

Get a 1-on-1 demo with Zendesk. Book a demo to see how you can empower and engage your customers. https://lnkd.in/gzx7cJf

Babak Youssefi
Babak Youssefi

I don't normally respond to adverts like this but I have to say, I'm loving the Zendesk mobile support app experience! Well done!

Shokabir Shatursun
Shokabir Shatursun

What is the difference between other sms/txt messaging apps ? Like: IMO, TELEGRAM, VIBER, WhatsAPP and many many others ? When others available multi language you have to pay for it higher price to get in different language ? Question: Why ?

Joshua Rose
Joshua Rose

We use Zendesk chat for our website and I personally like the analytics combined with ease of use.

Oscar Giraldo
Oscar Giraldo

Hey Joshua, How are you guys handling QA monitoring for your chat channel? Love to get your feedback. Thanks 🙏

Bernadette Ellsworth
Bernadette Ellsworth

I had the opportunity to work with Zendesk building it from the ground up. Awesome product! I loved it.

Zeny Stuart, CAPM®
Kayle Harper
Kayle Harper

May i book demo

A R Grover
A R Grover


Charles Neale Gerencser
Charles Neale Gerencser

We use Zendesk, I'm not a big fan... Direct message me for details...

Carlos Cortes
Carlos Cortes

I cannot send direct messages but interested to know why...

Brittany Lee
Brittany Lee

Love Zendesk! :D

Carlos Cortes
Carlos Cortes

Love, love, love Zendesk!!! 👍

Sidney Maradan
Sidney Maradan

Strong customer relationship and the customer service management strategy are the best engagement that you can aim for to use existing customer referrals to build and expand your customer base and business.

Latif Majied
Latif Majied

Invest in Ur self , by remembering GOD and the past.

Rob Bailey
Rob Bailey

Zendesk rocks, but suggest everyone check out Kustomer.

Debra Johnson
Debra Johnson

9ooooooookookkokokkkokkookokokkokkookook8 to (((

Mike Stratton
Mike Stratton

I misread this, initially I thought it said: 1-on-1 drama with client. I was thinking to myself.... I am going to need this product.

James Driskill
James Driskill

You are not going to like my comments upon you -- you don't have to like them -- but you do have to accept them -- and allow them -- for disliking something is not a reason for DELETION. We have a few posts that are going to be presented through LinkedIn -- They are extreme -- for extreme is what this is -- You all know it -- for you would not have DELETED and SOLVED my tickets direct with you --- and respond with CONFUSION when the clarity is OBVIOUS. That obviousness is SELF-EVIDENT at this point -- and you all know it. What graphic should I place here --- Most materials on accustomed presentations most likely are being subjected to a DOWNWARD distribution flow -- I cannot hold what will go out to where or now unless become smart about it by urls as objects of themselves. The content at this point behind me ---just needs to be replicate archived --- I am for sure making those arrangements of trust. Take the archive of all content from web. Its subject to censorship.

James Driskill
James Driskill

Sammie Francher -- My First Knight Lion - By Pledge and Self-Harm Reduction Promises made in Google+ Hangout - archived locally here -- I am hiding my media abound the world --- For he was the only trust to hold full open FTP access to my files -- and for right now --- HE IS A MISSING IN ACTION community disappearance that seems to be lost on the community -- With the events of Flint MI and the poisoning of the water system by direct river water scour of pipes into bodies --- HATER WIN and are NOT PUNISHED for their nullification of human life population reduction models showing true. At this point... anything is possible. Sammie Francher could be dear or could have been threatened into silence. That would be on adam4adam SpicyandHot34 -- Please don't mess with my content -- for approval of extremes -- Sammie approves of everything at what I need to get the corrective attention of who the hell gave you GOD LEVEL AUTHORITY TO OVER POWERS our human life. ? Don't censor --- comment --- show yourself to open debate instead of oppress it -- http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net -- no other way to classify it -- it is a URL and URL PASSING SITE-ADVISOR CLEARED -- IT SHALL STAY! You too have allowed the HATERS to WIN

James Driskill
James Driskill

ALL PRELIMINARY COMMENTS HERE remain PRESENT or else what Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)? That does not scare you off the mark because they are in on it -- they are apart of the illusion to which I have caught in the transit of this #HARASSMENT RECEIVED -- My first impression of that Truth collusion when Alan Horwitz of the LAW OFFICES OF TODD ROTHERBARD chuckled when I said I was going to go the FBI --- The Chuckle exposes what is called UNTOUCHABLES here. I am naming names because naming names and naming events are real --- I do not lie, cheat or steal -- I am not a faker or a fraud --I know where the moral line is.. Once again A URL cannot be content to lose when it is a record of truth or mpatapo binding on that truth forward : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPersons%5d/Horwitz,%20Alan%20J/

James Driskill
James Driskill

My first visit to the FBI occured on June 21st 2006 --- and this community address #2 goes to the Oakland Conflict --- http://community.gruwup.net/02/ directed to American Baptist Homes Of The West - Not Defunct --- and the letter attached here is from my then and now current case management at foothill aids project ---- written in Jan 2007.

James Driskill
James Driskill

This is REAL MEDIA --- That does not change

James Driskill
James Driskill

I always KEY UP MY POSTS SO WEB STATS APPLY TO MY POST -- everytime on this file.

James Driskill
James Driskill


James Driskill
James Driskill

On Naming Names and the Tecnology SMARTNESS PERSONS clues here to this are found on record : My record is the truth, the whole truth, the whole absolte truth to best ability, and nothing but the truth. http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Bad/%23Barabra.A.Thoensen/ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-207-3988/ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-207-3988/TruthFinder-720-207-3988.htm -- note that was the number harassing me -- and truthfinder NAME RECORD COMING BACK AT ME -- you think this meaning nothing?

James Driskill
James Driskill

There is a TECH PIVOT POINT IN THIS FOR DAMN FUCKED UP HUMAN SURE! Keep that comment too -- relevant !

James Driskill
James Driskill

ONE FINAL -- THIS IS NOT A POPULARITY CONTEST OF QUANTITIES --- FOR This Graphic and URL goes to a corrective adapting of though I enforced upon the rule order in Denver Colorado -- What can't see it -- -the setup of creations trying to get through the noise and disturbance of #Harassing #Hate #Campaign : http://community.gruwup.net/Quality-Over-Quantity/

James Driskill
James Driskill

Right? I am the one disturbed right? RIGHT-E-O Yall -- go blow away the blue of fucked up humans please. [ OK Google : Play on Sound Cloud : Why Is The Clear Sky Blue? ]

James Driskill
James Driskill

Please Be Rational When Relating to this LinkedIn member George Mark Adsit and this presence in memespace : [ http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/ ] Please Listen to this audio presentation -- in 3 pieces -- this is a real sms conversation -- adam4adam being involved here. Do you have a weak heart or are shocked easily ? Its adult content oriented chat -- full of hate speech-- the gotcha is here -- A Paralegal the hands of keys, letters and words here to direct this at me here. Part 1 of 3 -- parts are typically < 5mins each spoken voice narrative of sms http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/TO-George%20Mark%20Adsit%5bPt1%5d%20.mp3 Part 2 of 3 : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/TO-George%20Mark%20Adsit%5bPt2%5d%20.mp3 Part 3 of 3 : http://fuckeduphuman.net/%5bPhoneNumbers%5d/720-313-1459/TO-George%20Mark%20Adsit%5bPt3%5d%20.mp3 I have attempted to dialogue chat or clarify from time to time -- why this conversation took place and who sent him into my world with this agenda -- he refuses and recoils -- this being true. Care to explain your actions?

James Driskill
James Driskill

OPEN COMMENT STREAM --- YOU HAVE BLOCKED PRIVATE -- YOUR RESPONSE IS DESIRED TO RELEASE YOURSELF FROM YOUR BINDING -- I WANT THE DETAILS TO WHICH #CONSPIRACYEXPOSED HOLDS NO MORE AND TERMINATES ASAP! NO MORE TEARS. [ OK Google : Play On Soundcloud : You Have Allowed Hate To Win ] [ Ok Google : Play On Soundcloud : Looker Theme : She Is Really A Looker : Family Morality ] Be sure to view comments of the sound audio --- let it play as a radio station (edited)

James Driskill
James Driskill

Too hot to handle huh? Wow -- your quick on the draw! But that is an act of PROTECTING THE HATERS --- PREVARICATING THE TRUTH RECORD -- Why did you do that?

James Driskill
James Driskill

I have you caught ZenDesk at #ConspiracyProtecting -- so why? Answer me why you --- ZENDESK along with ADAM4ADAM is ALLOWING HATE TO PASS INTO THEIR VIEW AND NOT BE CONTROLLED AND IT IS HATE AGAINST THE COMMUNITY YOU ARE PERSONALLY MORALLY -- COMPUTING AND MORALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR! : Once again sharing this: http://community.gruwup.net/Computing-and-Moral-Responsibility/ That is a shortcut to the written text Computing and Moral Responsibility at plato.standford.edu along with a spoken voice text narrative audio player. LISTEN TO IT -- DON'T DENY YOUR ROLE HERE -- THAT IS INSULTING TO ME!

James Driskill
James Driskill

Acknowledge the deleted content - as we don't want that on the page -- but accept the content as the truth -- to which then what? Where is your attendance to stop this hate? You are still PROTECTING THE HATERS if you do not REPLY INTO DIALOGUE A POSITION -- you are not allowed to be silent ---- removing the content selectively -- that is INSULTING! and you know it. [ Ok Google : Play On Youtube : Disturbed Sound Of Silence ] (edited)

James Driskill
James Driskill

I am 1000X % smarter on this subject of peace building by knowing these subjects of intractable conflict and beyond intractability at [ http://conflict.colorado.edu ] --where are my strong counsels of your moral responsibility here? This is not a game --- but you are in check almost check mate -- where is the sanity in this ? you are insane!

James Driskill
James Driskill

Plays Skip Marley Lions on YouTube [ http://gvonncii.gruwup.net/1st-Knight-Lion/YouTube ] -- with lyrics -- also applied to this post -- the SEAL HERE -- IS SEALED SHUT -- you move to the correct view and reply --- or I ask the FBI for your web resignation - you don't deserve your function here -- allowing hate to pass unchallenged -- you are insane! My story linked by real case live media stamped media --- you don't acknowledge -- you can't stay in this silence. --- Lions Skip Marley Some said 'never' but the never done come Yeah, and took our trust Hate's been winning, but the lovers ain't done Yeah, not on my watch Yeah, if ya took all my rights away Yeah, if ya tellin' me how to pray Yeah, if ya won't let us demonstrate Yeah, wrong Yeah, if ya thinking I don't belong Yeah, if ya hiding behind a gun Yeah, if ya hoping we're gonna run Wrong We are the lions, we are the chosen We gonna shine out the dark We are the movement, this generation You better know who we are, who we are [ cut here ] Songwriters: - Ilya / Savan Harish Kotecha / Skip Marley Lions lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

James Driskill
James Driskill

Or shall I post the content again -- that will not get deleted? I will see if that sticks to you --- and to the web -- FOREVER -- allowing hate to win -- you at least say it --- SHOW IT OUT --- and KEEP IT UP until there is RECONCILIATION PROCESS OF DIALOGUE --- FORUM --- to which the conflict.colorado.edu documents of peace building relate to ENABLE -- but you have not done that -- you DELETE --- you can't DELETE ME! and you can't just sweep hate like this under the table -- and not have REPRIMANDS --- for now we have ADDRESS OF STANDING WHY I AM RIGHT ---- Keep the words written and documented as oblivion onto the web -- you idiots! Do I need to do this with every single web creation of identity here on the web -- for them to see their moral irresponsibly is run a muck out of control? http://community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By/ With Source Credits -- This image STAMPED AND SEALED SHUT -- you are now at CHECK MATE!!

James Driskill
James Driskill


James Driskill
James Driskill

You in literacy have lost --- and you have not a clue to the oblivion billions cause to effect to not control this hate onto our community --- you are ALL FUCKED UP HUMAN INSANE!

James Driskill
James Driskill


James Driskill
James Driskill

i give you 24 hours to your consideration of DEFEAT in a GAME which is not a GAME --- consult your lawyers -- consult your priests -- consult the world I don't care -- you cannot do this upon our communities -- with a TICKET SUPPORT SYSTEM --- wow really? You have no clue of these materials I bring to you - wow -- where do you draw your schooling -- where do you draw your morality from --- a BARNYARD ANIMAL PLANET --- for that is not the morality standing here as COMPUTING MORAL WISE -- -get a clue -- GROW UP! Be @Gruwup of Excellence that I am calling it upon you. NSSA is adinkra symbol #11 on the [ http://africanastudies.rutgers.edu/ ] page is of Excelence [ I am tagging that one ] on that web page next to the profiles of Martin Luther King Jr -- you are wrong to not be int this standard -- you are wrong to mis apply computing and moral responsibility onto your business model -- you are wrong to not bring adinkra into presence -- that being said --- HOLD YOUR KRAMOBONE onto your BUSINESS PRACTICES PLEASE. Why do you humans lie so much? http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/Makta-Pond-GoodFriend-TrueFriends-%23Kramobone.The.Good.mp3 (edited)

James Driskill
James Driskill

I do not get paid for my work here -- but you have touched by excellence -- and you need to throw me a KING ON SIDE -- to remove your self from the CHASTISING ATTITUDE OF OUR WORLD VIEW AFTER THIS POST IS VIEWED BY MANY.

James Driskill
James Driskill

What symbol do you want me to stop on -- unity of four.

James Driskill
James Driskill

Try to have a nice day --- knowing you are a protector of hate until you knock your king over on its side -- I don't accept silence -- but thank you for not blocking this content -- that is something Admiralty of you -- so far -- most don't comply -- thank you that.

James Driskill
James Driskill

Really people -- this is not all that complicated -- your hate agenda hidden away #conspiracy --- now that is complicated -- I am not complicated to the SHINING EXCELLENCE PRODUCT OF GRUWUP.NET SPACE ---- knowing you all have hidden agenda to not be listening to me for over now 10 years -- as you run a fucked up human muck on the web here -- I AM RIGHT --- AGREE --- I AM RIGHT --- AGREE --- I AM RIGHT -- OR BE FUCKED UP HUMAN ON MARS --- We will get to you someday --- [ joke ] --- the world order of things needs some applied sciences in memetics -- that being a new field -- that is your only limited scope to reeducation excuse -- but really -- INTOLERABLE to do this one to one to one each web site goes Fucked Up Design - That being tagged -- not the same - lets tag the world as it should be said ---- if necessary -- so we can build peace models of excellence elite. It is worth the refocus of adaptive thinking -- do you got it real yet? or am I A ONE WAY CHANNEL OBLIVION ONCE I AM GONE -- NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO --- I WILL NEVER BE GONE! (edited)

James Driskill
James Driskill

The tagging feature on site here on linked in to Fucked Up Design -- takes you out of bounds to the creation of what networking sites are designed for ---

James Driskill
James Driskill

Undo your proneness of DELETE CONTENT -- your wrong!

James Driskill
James Driskill

Adinkra comes in a full set of 104 -- they are all together -- so you can not seleictively remove one -- or two because of function there is no income stream here -- no profits to building peace --- it is effort of mission -- of passion for conscience -- nothing else. GET OFF YOUR FUCKING DELETE KEY! I MEAN IT!

James Driskill
James Driskill


James Driskill
James Driskill

Thank you for that restore -- where did you go to shool and learn as craft of critical thinking -- -you miss out one something --- you brain fart -- I expect an sorry and I will accept your apology --- INSOLENCE YOU ARE -- whomever you are --- show your face! My face is showing on my soundcloud -- your annoy DELETE DELETE DELETE IS INSULTING!

James Driskill
James Driskill

There ain't no game here --- this is REAL!

James Driskill
James Driskill


James Driskill
James Driskill

The GlassDoor Employee Reviews Directory -- DO NOT DELETE -- THESE ARE DOCUMENTED AS WORDS TO LIVE BY APPLY --- Therefore He Who Would Rescue ... Oblivion -- Shall Deliver A Plane Untarnished Tale - YOUR DELETE IS INSANE! [ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/CompanyReviews%20%5b%20GlassDoor%20%5d/EmployeeReviewsofColoradoHealthNetwork-DoesAnybodyHaveABoxOfTissues.mp3 - Colorado Health Network DBA Colorado AIDS Project & Howard Dental Center

James Driskill
James Driskill


James Driskill
James Driskill

Never are you wiser than being a fool

James Driskill
James Driskill

I am done with you -- although pathetically fun --- GOD SEES ALL SECRETS --- This one goes to the mapping of the mind --- and where we are heading in our future. -- i don't think you would realize the word here is the real word I want -- I don't think you have the literacy -- pa·thet·i·cal·ly /pəˈTHedik(ə)lē/ adverb 1. in a way that arouses pity, especially by displaying vulnerability or sadness: "she threw her arms around him and sobbed pathetically" 2. in a miserably inadequate or ridiculous way: informal "he argued rather pathetically for an election boycott"

James Driskill
James Driskill

This is a template - DONT DELETE

James Driskill
James Driskill

Have a nice day --- you can't even respond --

James Driskill
James Driskill

I see -- Thank you --- now I am taking this entire thread to spoken voice --- you A.I. Bullshitter --- I am not sure. Out of your mind whatever it is.

James Driskill
James Driskill

A real person deleting content -- or perhaps the denial of service attack that I ma y be under -- that being missing all over the update page --- well stop attacking me -- -and the media may flow better -- but the attack here -- i use it for what it is -- and all goes out eventually -- this flows like a mess of links -- but thank for approval -- or whatever that was -- i don't see any wrong here --- in it's final form -- a story hate holding with links and story of interest to see months and months of things linked into bunched up thread of ideas -- there is a concept we can say fuzzy math on the discovery --- fuzzy interest -- pick a thing and go with it -- this thread has to particular structured orders. Good day (edited)

James Driskill
James Driskill

Take Note [ http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net ] -- you are in check male as well! This all the way up through RYAN WHITE CARE ACT and governmental agency elite. This HATE COLLECTIVE is greater than you all --- and the Colorado ties. UCHealth : Your Doctor Nancy Madinger has NO RESPONSE to messages directed through the UCHEALTH.ORG messaging system --- once again the URL to that letter spoken voice is here: http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/UCHealth-Messaging/LetterTo-UniversityColoradoHospital-DoctorNancyMadinger-CaseFail-TellMeWhy-AnEmbarassmentOfDenverHIVAIDSServices2017.mp3 I have a special request of you UCHealth -- #Sammie.Lee.Francher one of your ID Patients seems to be missing. He put himself on the line with me on June 6th 2017 with a Facebook Live Recording. https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/vb.1295702360/10209396034879916/?type=2&theater For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op : Sammie Francher --- Do you know where Sammie Francher is?

James Driskill
James Driskill

No more time to waste -- get it real -- this #ConspiracyOfHateTerminates IMMEDIATELY! Commitments to that status requires PLEDGED COMMITMENT Standards which are called SOLOMON SEALED/SIGNED PROMISES. I am Wiccan You know. The Adinkra itself is found to hold Solomon's Knot Symbolism. You think this is some kind of game --- no this is no amateur hour here. My commitment to Goddess Wiccan --- I am up for that challenge to the death if necessary - if you really want to fight. But I am a peace maker and not a solider -- you have crossed the quickening, we all have. Time to see the light change direction -- no matter who you were --- your soul is calling you to a higher being -- and I want you there -- I really do. TO THAT LARGE LEVEL OF INTEGRITY THIS CHANGES ARE TO BE PROMISED! I DEMAND RESPECT -- NOT AUTHORITY -- BUT THE VALIDITY TO HOLD THE MESSAGES FOR OUR WORLD FOREWORD. You know I have it. It is this human here typing this message now. I DON'T WANT AUTHORITY OVER YOU OR ANY ELSE FOR THAT MATTER.... Human Condition is Sovereignty -- Individually. Maybe you need a lesson on that. I WANT MY AUTHORITY OF MY LIFE BACK! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! [ X9 ]

James Driskill
James Driskill

That lesson is already on my site and filed by TES - I don't need to know these things are true. Because I was given this godsend mission to bring these thing into view --- that is all -- I don't want fame fortune or my inability to walk around in anonymity -- but if I have to go onto the TV and MEDIA STREAM to make that view happen -- I will. It would be apparent that MEMETICALLY [ by the way Grammarly has this spell checked Good--- Get With It Fixfox please ] I am knowing how to make something viral falsely. I have done this with patience. BUT NO FUCKING LONGER -- YOU HEAR ME PUBLIC! I am just one man with a technology skill from birth and a knowing where the signs of our higher power in confluence shows me a light that is brightly glowing of power [ yes GOD ] that we are being watched. We do our next set of things in human kind --- of EXCELLENCE because the tools are here to that reach from ignorance, lazy minded dim ways, to bright ways glowing. Everything in my cyberworld shows you the holding COMMON MORAL VALUES that makes this statement absolutely truth --- if there is any such thing -- we can't trust our collective community trust. Your side of this question -- give it up -- stop and come join the quickening.

James Driskill
James Driskill

Zendesk -- you might consider your role here to why I have decided to place this structured writing here --- without a doubt -- you should be honored. I am refreshing. If there is content flub. Restore it please. [ just in case there was human involved last night -- thank you ]

James Driskill
James Driskill

Image Still Draft the QR code does not refer to this thread -- I will fill it where it needs --- can we static these words forever? BUT I have PLACED MANAGEMENT ADMIN for this page [ http://denver-colorado-aids-project.business.site/ ] --WE DO NOT CROSS THIS TIME AND TURN THE HOUR GLASS OVER -- IS WHAT THE ADINKRA HELP ME TO HELP YOU MEANS. Get It? Because we can't turn that hour glass. We must UNITE --- The hourglass is ALL. ALL Grains Of Sand. I am just one of those same grains of sand. https://soundcloud.com/tes-kempner/11-big-big-world Pick a better thought -- pick a better thought -- pick a better thought Somewhere is a world of hate - there is so much more to celebration. What is your attention on? What is your attention on? https://soundcloud.com/tes-kempner/sets/awake-in-the-dream Raised In A Society -- obsessed with notoriety -- [ No that is not me ]

James Driskill
James Driskill

I am however of Notary Public [ Former ] and that true to form is the role of my domains united. I claim need to bring notary not notoriety -- you have confused me for something you think I am --- when I am the real deal peace bringing man -- just one grain of many -- the keys -- to put the links of chains and locks bindings and unlocks frees -- when we conflict -[ http://confict.colorado.edu ] -- you all humans losing yourself to your irrational behaviors --- I want back to my life thing! - we can be --- beyond intractability. The tools of us to find EXCELLENCE is here -- we have no other choice but to accept that notary view. But you go to trash our educational merits -- where is your responsibility to society? University of Colorado Conflict Information Consortium A Comprehensive Gateway to Consortium Websites http://conflict.colorado.edu This work, which dates back to the earliest days of the Internet, has now led to the posting of new versions of CRInfo: The Conflict Resolution Information Source (www.CRInfo.org) and Beyond Intractability, the website of the Intractable Conflict Knowledge Base Project (www.BeyondIntractability.org). -- What is wrong with you all people - you are insane! @Gruwup2017

James Driskill
James Driskill

One Grand Grain Of Sand

James Driskill
James Driskill

If Sammie is alive -- I want him returned -- in proper working ORDER IMMEDIATELY!

James Driskill
James Driskill

Obviously to the Haters Beware- On the life of Sammie Francher, if you knew he had been given the FTP password -- you did not get from him. What would that serve? Nothing. I would have to also be killed. I don't think he is dead unless he went unwillingly --- would not give it up. You rushed me out of town so quickly -- [ circumstance ] and he never really acquired the lesson on FTP. He had the access but not the skill yet -- really you killed him for that? You guys are not that callus. Nah! You have him stashed away somewhere or your frightened him off the grid or perhaps a payment sum -- he is taking good rest time --- good for him. For the payment sum or any other coercion to remaining silent is it NOT acceptable. It would have had to be of his own freewill and consent. The foundation of The Awesome Kramobone School, to which he is the one who named Awesome. It would not have been freewill The words are PLEDGED in SOLOMON form -- I think that Sammie not so fickle. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! Maybe he wanted me to see this out -- I WANT SAMMIE RETURNED IF THERE HAS BEEN ANY HANKY PANKY. [ Yes I can have a humor on a seriousness -- that is not the point. That is called a funny bone. (edited)

James Driskill
James Driskill

yes, that is tool of creation that I am attempting -- to link extreme if necessary truth --- the mission of my domain are absolute --- and you all know it real. RETURN ALL OF MY WRITTEN CONTENT TO THIS PAGE PLEASE. It is important... why? Because we cannot allow an event to go unnoticed to the world of #WordsToLiveBy [ Yes My Facebook Community Page : https://www.facebook.com/WordsToLiveBySecretOfHappiness/ ] to which the oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] does not cross into community but is stopped. Without an interface for this purpose, the oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] after oblivion [ 💣] billions are placing the odds of another Las Vegas Metropolitan shooting event --- because we have [ I have its foundation ] understanding of memetics. A voice carrying that message is shielded out by a hate collective at odds against our collective intelligence. (edited)

James Driskill
James Driskill

Without this tool of voice to stop [ 💣] after oblivion millions, billions, zillions, etc..... what a collective community distrust is occurring. We cannot allow that model to remain. IT DOES NOT SERVE US WELL! What is here in the United States of America Culturally is backward thinking of progress. We humans lie too much. It starts there and proceeds forward. If when we are instilled in lies, and we pass on a lie --- that is a greater sin [ morally wrong act ] than creating the first lie itself. We know this equation. So why the resistance factor? We have Special Interests in this country or politics that are in a conflict of interest of our continued wellness of society. These are addressed in my media --- whomever you are -- get into online mode - check out all my content -- it is SiteAdvisor, Inc. cleared as EDUCATION/REFERENCE and SAFE to BROWSE. A link in a conversation means you go to that link -- not forget it. http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/Makta-Pond-GoodFriend-TrueFriends-%23Kramobone.The.Good.mp3

James Driskill

James Driskill likes this

We can age gracefully when we embrace the resilience we've already developed in response to our life's challenges and traumas. Gay men know a lot about it, as I write in my latest Psychology Today blog.

James Driskill commented on this

Visiting a city near you...

James Driskill
James Driskill

Can you provide an answer for where is Sammie? YES NO MAYBE CAN'T SAY SECRET WHAT?

James Driskill

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